

Every Door Has its Day—National Automatic Door Day is March 19!

Blog 2, February 2021

March 19 is a big day for our industry. In fact, it might be the biggest. March 19 is the first National Automatic Door Day (from now on, it will be celebrated each year on this date).

It’s a day for our entire industry to celebrate, and we’re inviting all AAADM member companies to get behind it. Of course, AAADM will be promoting it, too, with key messages that unite our industry — including messages of health, wellness, and equality.

When the first automatic door was invented, it was no doubt to create greater convenience and probably also about imparting a sense of opulence. Automatic doors still help accomplish both, but through the years they have also taken on greater meaning.

It’s not an overstatement to say automatic doors improve quality of life. They provide universal access to public buildings for people with mobility issues and other physical differences. And by helping to prevent the spread of germs, they can even help save lives, too. Let’s face it, “no touch” is now a mindset and will be a generational revision to how we approach public facilities and all shared surfaces, even when the current COVID-19 epidemic has passed. Automatic doors will continue to be a major part of that conversation.

Timely messaging notwithstanding, Automatic Door Day is an acknowledgement of all those achievements, but it’s also about celebrating the sheer coolness—some might even say awesomeness—of automatic doors. The other 364 days of the year, we might take these technical wonders for granted. But every door has its day, and that day is March 19.

We want all manufacturers and others at the heart of our industry to rally around the messages of Automatic Door Day. Together, we want to make architects, builders, facility managers, and building owners aware of automatic doors. We want them to specify automatic doors in their building plans, and install them in their existing buildings.

Let’s use National Automatic Door Day to remind these key audiences, and the public, what makes automatic doors so great.

AAADM has created a logo you can use in your social media as well as some sample messages to get you started. You can find them here. Please help us spread the word about Automatic Door Day. If you have any questions, please contact the AAADM office.

Whether you choose to use our AAADM content or develop your own, we look forward to celebrating the first Automatic Door Day on March 19.
Let the celebration begin!"


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