Contact Legislator

AAADM Members: Be A Part of Change

AAADM can effect change that will help fulfill the promise of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) through member action. Such action can be as simple as reaching out to your elected representatives to voice your support for public policies that help people with disabilities achieve the freedom and independence the rest of us take for granted.

We encourage you to voice your support for public policies in the states where you live and work.
Hearing from local constituents persuades lawmakers to vote in the affirmative for the legislation. A discussion of current bills being considered can be found here. We have also included a list of Federal bills that AAADM supports.

To help you communicate with your elected representatives, you can download the email template and simply insert the appropriate information, such as bill number, the name of the member or Committee you are contacting, and the rationale for your support.

We welcome your feedback and participation in our efforts to support the disabled and elderly community as they seek to live safe, inclusive, and independent lives. If you have specific questions about how to use the template, please contact

There is strength in numbers, and that’s what grassroots advocacy is all about. Harnessing that strength to influence government action that will improve physical access for people with disabilities is a noble goal.

Important Links: Be A Part of Change

Download and customize your letter to your legislator

See a list of current state and federal bills on which to take action
